Chronic & History

Not only Bayreuth, the Bürgerreuth itself is a place full of stories and memories. If the guest is sitting under the pillars of the traditional restaurants, he looks back on a history that goes back almost 200 years.

Lassen Sie sich von der Geschichte mitnehmen, und erfahren Sie, wie die Bürgerreuth zu dem wurde, was Sie heute ist.

Die folgenden Chronikabschnitte sind auch in dem von Herrn Ordnung verfasstem Buch “Zur Geschichte der Bayreuther Bürgerreuth“ zu finden. Bei Interesse an einem solchen Exemplar wenden Sie sich einfach an unser Team.

Der Erlös wird für einen Guten Zweck gespendet.

The area of Bürgerreuth is originally not limited to the building and the garden of the excursion restaurant, but includes a much larger part in the north of the city of Bayreuth at the foot of the Hohe Warte, whose forests until the 1600 century to the “green tree” in part down to the city limits.

To ensure the care of 800 trees of a fruit tree culture on the Bürgerreuth in 1815, a cottage was built for the tenant Andreas Wippenbeck from St. Georgen. On October 3, 1815, the area around the house was inaugurated by the mayor Hagen.

The blossoms in spring attracted many citizens.

The tenant Wippenbeck had the permission of the city to provide the guests with a Wegzehrung. The spatial conditions soon proved to be too small. The crowd of tenants, as well as an increasing number of hikers and walkers, especially on Sundays and holidays and wanted to rest. For this reason, it was decided in 1835, the construction of a “country and community house” in Swiss form with “gallery and two floors” in the way.

The building plans of the building were made by master mason Tripß, the costs amounted to 6000 guilders. The basement rooms were dug for reasons of cost savings until 1853.
In 1868, the wooden gallery fell into disrepair, initially around the whole house. In the years 1869 – 1878 it was replaced by a cast-iron construction, which was, however, built only on the south side.

Festivals in small and large style were always on the Bürgerreuth.

Singing and gymnastics clubs met here, confirmations and weddings were committed. To highlight is a folk festival on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Kingdom of Bavaria on 30 June 1860 organized.


The bustle was recorded by H. Stelzner in a postcolored lithograph.

On July 10, 1984, the Italian family Minuzzi took over the property in lease.
In 2007, the family took over the ensemble as property. Now it came train by train to work through the omissions. Not only the appearance, but also the interior design and technology have been adapted to modern times.

Of course it was inevitable that after 150 years for the locals the usual visual impressions have changed significantly. Then the gardens were redesigned. However, lasting memories of the old days are still guaranteed despite modernization.